O časopisu


Economic Review: Journal for Economics and Business is a journal of the Faculty of Economics, University of Tuzla, which covers a wide range of topics in the field of economics and business. The journal is intended for the readers within the academic community and the wider public with an interest in contemporary economic topics.

ISSN 1512-8962 (Print)

ISSN 2303-680X (Online)

DOI 10.51558/2303-680X

Economic Review: Journal for Economics and Business is published twice a year. All submitted papers are subject to a double-blind review. Authors should, in the paper structure, focus their attention on introduction, previous research on the topic, research methodology, discussion and conclusion. 


The journal is currently indexed in:

  • Cabell's Directories,
  • Crossref,
  • Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ),
  • EBSCO Business Source Complete,
  • Index Copernicus,
  • EconLit,
  • EconStor,
  • RePEc (Research Papers in Economics),
  • ProQuest,
  • Google Scholar,
  • and is also awaiting confirmation for indexation in some other databases.  

Notes for Authors and Double-Blind Review Guidelines

All submitted papers are subject to a double-blind peer review, which means that the identities of both reviewers and authors are concealed from each other throughout the review. To facilitate this, authors need to ensure that their papers are prepared in a way that does not give away their identity, either directly or indirectly.

When submitting papers by email, authors are to send two separate documents. The first document must include the following: the title of the paper, author(s) names, affiliation/institution and complete addresses, e-mail and fax number of author(s), abstract, keywords, JEL (Journal of Economic Literature) classification. The second document must include a complete paper, completed in accordance with Guidelines for authors, but without the names of authors.

Papers can be submitted in the English language or in one of the official languages of Bosnia and Herzegovina. After the review and acceptance, authors must provide the English translation of the final version of the paper submitted in one of the official languages of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Submitted papers must not have been previously published nor can they currently be under review for some other journals. Guidelines for authors, sample copies and other relevant information for submitting papers are available on the Author guidelines page.

This journal does not charge APCs or submission charges.

Economic Review: Journal for Economics and Business is under the Creative Commons licence. 



Jasmina Okičić, Professor, University of Tuzla, BiH

Members of Editorial:


Senad Čeliković, PhD, Librarian


Tanja Pavlović, Associate Professor, University of Tuzla, BiH


  • David Anthony Procházka, PhD, University of New York in Prague, Czech Republic
  • Fabrizio Santoboni, PhD, “Sapienza” University of Rome, Faculty of Economics, Italy
  • Femi Odebiyi, PhD, Business Administration Faculty, LCC International University, Lithuania
  • Hala Hattab, PhD, The British University in Egypt, Egypt
  • Jerko Glavaš, PhD, Faculty of Economics in Osijek,  Croatia
  • Klime Poposki, PhD, University St. Kliment Ohridski, Republic of North Macedonia
  • Lorena Škuflić, PhD, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Economics,Croatia
  • Munib Karavdić, PhD, University of New South Wales,Australia
  • Nikša Alfirević, PhD, University of Split,Croatia
  • Nina Drejerska, PhD, Warsaw University of Life Sciences,Poland
  • Olivera Kostoska, PhD, Faculty of Economics – Prilep, University St. Kliment Ohridski – Bitola, Republic of North Macedonia
  • Ondřej Dvouletý, PhD, Prague University of Economics and Business,Czech Republic
  • Reza Zanjirani Farahani, PhD, Rennes School of Business, France
  • Romina Alkier, PhD, Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management, University of Rijeka, Croatia
  • Selma Kadić-Maglajlić, PhD, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
  • Thomas Schøtt, PhD, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
  • Umut ÇİL, PhD, Karamanoglu Mehmetbey University,Turkey
  • Vesna Čančer, PhD, University of Maribor, Faculty of Economics and Business, Slovenia 

Poziv autorima / Call for papers

Ekonomski fakultet Univerziteta u Tuzli objavljuje


za objavljivanje radova u Economic Review: časopisu za ekonomiju i biznis

Economic Review je časopis Ekonomskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Tuzli koji obuhvata raznovrsne teme iz ekonomije i biznisa. Časopis je namijenjen akademskoj zajednici, kao i široj javnosti zainteresovanoj za savremene ekonomske teme. Ekonomska revija je indeksirana u EBSCO Business Source Complete, SCIRUS, Index Copernicus i Cabell's Directories, a u toku je postupak indeksiranja u još nekoliko baza.

Časopis izlazi dva puta godišnje, a svi radovi prolaze uobičajeni postupak recenzije sa dva recenzenta (double-blind review).

Autorima se preporučuje da u okviru strukture rada posebnu pažnju posvete uvodnim razmatranjima, pregledu relevantnih istraživanja iz tematske oblasti, metodologiji istraživanja, diskusiji i zaključku.

Više informacija o časopisu može se pronaći na:


Područja/oblasti objavljivanja:

  • Ekonomska teorija i politika
  • Finansije
  • Kvantitativna ekonomija
  • Međunarodna ekonomija
  • Menadžment
  • Marketing
  • Poduzetništvo
  • Računovodstvo i revizija

Bilješke za potencijalne autore

Radovi koji pristignu u Uredništvo Časopisa ne smiju biti ranije objavljeni niti smiju istovremeno biti u procesu recenziranja u nekom drugom časopisu. Smjernice za autore i druge relevantne informacije za objavljivanje radova se nalaze na stranici Uputstvo autorima.


Prilikom prijavljivanja rada, autor dostavlja dva odvojena dokumenta. Prvi dokument mora sadržavati: naslov rada, ime/imena svih autora, ime na institucija i kompletnu adresu, e-mail i broj faksa svih autora, rezime rada, ključne riječi i klasifikaciju rada prema JEL (Journal of Economic Literature). Drugi dokument mora sadržavat i kompletan rad, pripremljen u skladu sa Uputstvom za pripremu radova, ali bez podataka o autorima. Radovi se mogu slati na engleskom ili na službenim jezicima BiH.

Radove koji se dostave na službenim jezicima BiH, nakon okončanja postupka recenziranja i njihovog prihvatanja za objavljivanje, autori moraju prevesti i dostaviti konačnu verziju na engleskom jeziku.


Svoje radove možete slati u obliku MS Word dokument a na slijedeću e-mail adresu (detaljnije na stranici Uputstvo autorima): economic.review@unitz.ba 

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